What are the benefits of GYROTONIC® training?

• Increases your strength, flexibility, coordination and balance
• Sculpts your body
• Improves joint mobility and range of motion
• Reduces stress and releases tension in your body
• Improves posture
• Increases circulation, energy and cardiovascular health
• Weight loss
• Strengthens immune and nervous systems
• Complements physical therapy and rehabilitation programs
• Increases body awareness

The GYROTONIC® EXPANSION SYSTEM is a revolutionary movement system that draws from key principles of gymnastics, swimming, ballet, and yoga. With this unique method of exercise, major muscle groups are worked in an integrated manner in order to increase range of motion and develop coordination. The movements of GYROTONIC® exercise are performed with spherical awareness. Unlike the movements of most conventional exercises, where linear and isolated movement patterns are performed, all GYROTONIC® motion patterns are natural, turbulence-free, and pure. This allows for both the contraction and extension of joints, through a rotating movement. GYROTONIC® exercise simultaneously stretches and strengthens the entire body with minimal effort.

Additionally, each exercise is synchronized with a breathing pattern and is performed with rhythm, thus creating a cardiovascular-aerobic stimulation that can be either gentle or vigorous. Special attention is paid to increasing the functional capacity of the spine, resulting in a balanced support system for the skeleton and a body that is less prone to injury.

To function properly and grow old with ease your body needs strength, flexibility, coordination, and range of motion. The GYROTONIC® method offers these crucial elements.

GYROTONIC® equipment has been developed  with emphasis on total and complete freedom of movement. All of the equipment was designed to enhance the process of building coordination, bone density, strength, flexibility, and long lean muscles.    Whether you want to get in shape, find mental clarity, cross train for your sport, seek an exercise program to help you age gracefully, or are simply looking to eliminate pain and stagnation in the body, the GYROTONIC® method will help you achieve your goals.

The GYROTONIC® exercise is uniquely accessible to any individual regardless of physical limitation or need.

This method can take you from where you are to where you want to go!

For more information on GYROTONIC® exercise visit www.gyrotonic.com